At least I have never

The home of schadenfreude, where you can take comfort in the fact that no matter what your most hideously embarrassing moment was, there is always something worse that has happened to someone else and you can rest safe in the knowledge that at least you have never done that.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

At least I have never...

Accompanied my dad (who is very senior in his company) to a work dinner with his very senior colleagues and a new client who has flown from overseas just to meet my dad. Had rather more wine than I ought and then decided that new client is in fact, rather attractive. So proceeded to play footsie with him under the table, in a very rigorous manner, for a very long time. And been completely ignored by new client who is in fact married. Dad never did find out why new client suddenly took his business elsewhere.

this story was actually told to me by the new client.


  • At 4:40 PM, Blogger shitfaced said…

    New client seems to be of high moral standing.

    Daughter seems like someone I'd like to know...

  • At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    At least I have never slept with another man, and in post-coital awkwardness (the sex was bad) said: "Does this make me gay?" At least I have never done that. But I did have to come up with a reply.

  • At 4:50 AM, Blogger zuzula said…

    what did you say?

    'um.... only if you work on your performance'?

  • At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I should have; it was more like 'I have to go'. I must have been ok though, he kept calling me for a long time afterwards. The last time, about a year after we'd hooked up, it took him about a minute to remind me who he was. I lied about being with someone and asked him not to call me again.

  • At 7:53 AM, Blogger zuzula said…

    on the bright side though... you turned someone! that is very good. you must be shit hot, shitfaced ;)

  • At 1:56 PM, Blogger zuzula said…

    i hear you. ugh


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