At least I have never

The home of schadenfreude, where you can take comfort in the fact that no matter what your most hideously embarrassing moment was, there is always something worse that has happened to someone else and you can rest safe in the knowledge that at least you have never done that.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

at last he'd had enough

At least I have never got one too many messages from 'friends' (=old highschool class mates whose names I wouldn't remember did they not show up on the screen) on Facebook begging me to look at their smarmy engagement/ wedding/ honeymoon/ baby photos, with 'finally, the last couple marries' or something to the same smug effect to accompany the photos - and I, the recipient, am very much single. This has gone on for the entire week that I've been on Facebook, and I snap.

I forward the syrupy message to another single friend, asking her to take bets with me as to which of the three couples will divorce first. More importantly, I make sure that all six people in those three couples also receive the message, as if by accident (the 'reply all' syndrome - we've all done it once).

At least I've never done that. But I admire the person that did.


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