At least I have never

The home of schadenfreude, where you can take comfort in the fact that no matter what your most hideously embarrassing moment was, there is always something worse that has happened to someone else and you can rest safe in the knowledge that at least you have never done that.

Saturday, January 05, 2008


May I take this moment to pay some respect to the fairy godmother of this blog, Britney Spears. The past 12+ months of her multi-car pile-up of a life have read like an endless list of posts from here. Ok, I've shaved my head under the influence, too, but the rest is beginning to be heart-breaking. The woman clearly needs help with her mental health, and those closest to her are clearly failing to see that - why is it that she's constantly seen driving around LA? Anyway, I genuinely hope help comes her way, because the alternative could be tragic.

Postscript: It's Dr Phil to the rescue. Oh my.


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